
Schemes of IMA

schemes of ima


Social Security Scheme-I

To provide financial assistance to the family of a medical practitioner in the event of his death

A noble venture of IMA Kerala State Branch launched on 1stJuly 1987.


Aim & Objectives

  1. To provide financial assistance to the family of a member of the scheme in the event of death
  2. To provide financial assistance to a member who is certified totally disabled.
  3. To help those in need of financial assistance for their treatment on the recommendation of the local branch (subject to approval of Managing Committee).


Eligibility for membership

Any member of the IMA Kerala State Branch Below the age of 55 years on the day of joining the scheme

Life Membership

A Life member of IMA who is eligible to join as a member of the scheme can become a life member of the scheme by paying a one-time lump sum payment of Rs.3,00,000/- which is non-refundable. Such members need not make any further payment to the scheme and shall enjoy the same benefit as that of other members of the scheme. A current ordinary member of the scheme can become a life member of the Social Security Scheme I by paying Rs.3,00,000/- less the admission fees and the advance deposit paid if any. Such a member shall also pay the fraternity contribution and other dues till the date of conversion into life membership.

Ordinary Membership

Joining FeeAdmission fees (based on the age of joining the scheme) + Annual Subscription Fee (Rs.300/-)

To be renewed yearly for 20 years by paying the annual amount as prescribed by the scheme office. (Fraternity contribution + Annual subscription fee)

A. Admission Fee

          1.    Member below the age of 30 years          – Rs.1000/-

          2.    30 years & above but below 40 Years      – Rs.1500/-

          3.    40 years & above but below 45 Years      – Rs.2000/- 

          4.    45 years & above but below 50 Years      – Rs.2500/- 

          5.    50 years & above but below 55 Years      – Rs.3000/-


B. Annual Subscription – Rs.300/-


Total Amount payable on Admission: A+B


Yearly renewal of ordinary membership (20 years only)


  1. Annual Subscription Rs.300/-
  2. Fraternity contribution for each claim is calculated based on the membership duration of the deceased member

More than 10 years                                      – Rs.200/-}

More than 5 years up to 10 years                 – Rs.150/-} per death

Up to 5 years members                                – Rs.100/-}


However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is due to natural calamities or traffic accidents irrespective of the age of the person every member shall pay Rs.200/- for that death provided the deceased member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on joining the scheme and for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was above 50 years on joining the scheme.


The exact amount to be paid each year will be intimated by the scheme secretary individually during 3rd week of January. Last date for payment without fine is February 28th and with a fine of Rs.25/- per month thereafter for three months only.


Lock in Period:

The time period during which a member is not eligible to receive the benefits of the scheme after the date of enrollment

            If the age of joining the scheme is below 50yrs  – 1 year

            If the age of joining the scheme is above 50yrs – 2 years



Members Rights:

Fraternity Benefits

In the event of demise of a member the fraternity benefit to be paid to the nominee/ nominees/ legal heirs shall be calculated as per the then net membership of the scheme. Net membership shall be that of the Active members and is calculated by deducting total enrollment number on the previous day of the death of the member – (total number of demises + total number of totally disabled members + total number of deletions + total number of honorary members)


The Fraternity Benefit is calculated as follows:


If the deceased person has been a member of the scheme for

Fraternity benefit to be received by the nominee/nominees/legal heirs in Rs.

More than 10 years

Rs.200/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs.20 lakhs

More than 5 years but up to 10 years

Rs.150/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs.15 lakhs

End of lock in period but up to 5 years

Rs.100/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs

However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is  due to natural calamities of traffic accidents irrespective of the age of the person every member shall pay Rs. 200/- for that death, to a maximum of Rs.20 lakhs, provided the deceased member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date in the scheme, and for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was 50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.



When you join the scheme, you can nominate one or more persons to receive the fraternity benefit. The nominations can be changed at any time in due course if necessary


Disability Benefit

On the receipt of the information from a member or a responsible member of the family of a member that a member has become permanently physically disabled there by rendering him unfit to practice his profession, and incurring huge financial burden to the family, such a member can avail, financial help by opting out to be a totally disable member.


The member will be considered totally disabled only after the disability in the member is certified by a medical board formed by the Managing Committee if the Scheme including concerned specialty. The benefit given to the member will be 20% of the fraternity benefit on the date of declaration of him being a totally disabled member. The balance 80% of the fraternity benefit should be deposited as fixed deposit to be reimbursed without interest to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs of the demised member at the time of death of that member. The dues to the scheme if any shall be subtracted from the amount the member gets as benefit. The decision of declaring the member as totally disabled shall be at the discretion of the Managing Committee of the Scheme. Once a member is declared as totally disable he will not have to make any further contribution to the scheme. The benefit to the totally disabled member shall be calculated as follows.


If the totally disabled person has been member of the scheme for

Fraternity benefit to be received by the member & nominee/nominees/legal heirs in Rs.

More than 10 years

Rs. 200/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs

More than 5 years but up to 10 years

Rs. 150/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs. 15 lakhs

End of lock in period but up to 5 years

Rs. 100/- x net membership to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs


However if the totally disabled member is below 45 years if age the total fraternity benefit to the member and nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as 200 times the them net membership and will be paid only if the member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme. The fraternity claim of totally disabled members of 45 years of age and above will be as per the criteria following the death of non-disabled members.


A maximum of only 5 members can avail this benefit per year.Claims from more members in that particular year will be taken up the next year.


The amount to be paid under clause 1 & 2 above shall be paid as DD payable at the place of nominee/nominees/legal heirs within one month of the receipt of the information of the death or physical disability as the case may be, subject to satisfying all conditions prescribed by the Managing Committee of the scheme and on surrender of the Social Security Scheme policy document.


Honorary Members

A member who completes 20 years of membership in the scheme by paying the annual subscription and fraternity contribution regularly shall not pay any further contribution thereafter and will remain as honorary member enjoying all the benefits of the scheme. 20 years will be calculated from the day of enrollment to the scheme.


Scheme Certificate

Once the membership is confirmed, Policy Certificate will be sent to the member from the scheme office.

In the event of loss of scheme certificate, the member should apply to the scheme secretary for a duplicate policy document in prescribed format on Rs.200/- stamp paper duly attested by a notary and forwarded by the concerned IMA branch. The request has to be accompanied by a payment of Rs.500/-.


Disbursement of the fraternity benefit

In the event of demise of a member, the fraternity benefit will be paid to the Nominee/ Nominees/ Legal heirs only.

  1. The honorary secretary of the local branch will inform the demise to the scheme secretary who in turn sends the claim form.
  2. Claim form will be sent to nominees upon intimation of demise of the member.
  3. The completed claim form along with the original policy document and copy of death certificate has to be submitted to the scheme office from the concerned IMA branch
  4. Fraternity amount is dispersed as DD in favor of nominees WITHIN TWO DAYS of receiving claim form with all relevant details.
  5. DD would be handed over to nominees at their convenience in person by concerned IMA branch officials. The scheme secretary will send a claim form to the branch secretary.

The financial help will be provided irrespective of the cause of death of the member.


The maximum amount paid by Social Security Scheme I as fraternity benefit will be Rupees twenty lakhs only.


Payments to Social Security Scheme I?

Payment of application fees and dues for renewal can be paid through or as NEFT / IMPS to



Branch A/C No: 22050100006765 / IFSC CODE- FDRL0002205

Payment may also be done via cheque or DD in favour of Social Security Scheme 1 payable at Thiruvananthapuram and sent to SSS I office at IMA Kerala State Headquarters.

Office address:


Hon. Secretary,Social Security Scheme I

IMA State Headquarters, Anayara P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695029.

Tel: 0471-2741244 Email:

PP Scheme

To protect the members and help them in case of harassment, litigation etc, which may arise during the process of their professional practice. To provide legal aid to the members of the Scheme.


Any claim arising within the jurisdiction of Kerala State alone will be entertained by the Scheme.

How to join the Scheme

Membership application forms are available with State Office bearers of IMA and the President/Secretary of IMA Branches. The Application form has to be promoted by the President/Secretary of the IMA Branch and sent to the Hon. Secretary of P P Scheme. The membership in the Scheme will be finalised only after verification of IMA membership and clearance from IMA State Headquarters. A member can join for one or more units of the scheme to get additional benefits in multiples and the membership fee for each unit is as follows.

Membership Fee

First Year

Rs. 2000/- (if no claim)

Second Year

Rs. 1900/-

Third Year

Rs. 1800/- ( ” )

Fourth Year

Rs. 1700/- ( ” )

Fifth Year

Rs. 1600/- ( ” )

Sixth Year and there after

Rs. 1500/- ( ” )

Social Security Scheme-II

To provide financial assistance to the family of a medical practitioner in the event of his death


The Scheme was launched on 1st April 2004 to provide additional benefits to members on the same principles of the Social Security Scheme I.


Aims & Objectives:

  1. The main aim of the scheme is to give financial support to the bereaved family of a member of the scheme in the event of unfortunate death.
  2. Charitable activities to help those who are in need of financial assistance for their treatment at the request of local branches of IMA.


Eligibility for Membership:

Any Life Member of IMA who is a member of Kerala State Branch below the age of 60 years on the day of joining is eligible to become a member of scheme II provided.


A.  Admission Fee:

1.  Member below the age of 45 years :  4,000/-

2.  45 Years & above but below 60 year:   8,000/-


B.  Annual Subscription:  400/-    

     Total to be paid at the time of admission:    A + B


Documents to be submitted on Admission to the Scheme:

Copies of documents attested by the Branch President / Secretary to b e attached:

  • Copy of IMA Life Membership Certificate.
  • Document to prove Date of Birth


Payments: DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Social Security Scheme II, IMA Kerala State Branch” and payable at Pandalam.


Admission fee once paid will not be refunded.


Annual Subscription:

 Every member of Social Security Scheme II shall pay Rs. 400/- every year as annual subscription fee for a period of 25 years.


Fraternity Contribution:

Every member of the Social Security Scheme II shall pay fraternity contribution per death of the members as per schedule given below.


If the deceased per has been a member of the scheme for

Payment to be paid by each member

More than 10 years

Rs. 300/-

More than 5 years but upto 10 years

Rs. 225/-

From end of lock in period upto 5 years

Rs. 150/-


However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is due to natural calamities or traffic accidents irrespective of the age of the person every member shall pay Rs. 300/- for that death provided the deceased member has been  a  member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date of the scheme  and for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was 50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.

Future Yearly payments for 25 years only with last date on 31st August and a fine of Rs. 100/- per month thereafter.


Honorary Member:

After 25 years the member need not make any payment to the Scheme II but remain as an honorary member enjoying all the benefits of a member. For this, 25 years will be calculated from the date of enrollment into the scheme.


Member’s Disqualification:

  1. Every member of the Scheme II shall pay his / her annual membership and the fraternity contribution on or before 31st August of every year. The notice for the annual subscription and the fraternity contribution for deaths that have occurred from 1st July of the previous year to 30th June of the current year shall be send during the second fortnight of every July and the member is to pay the amount on or before 31st August, failing which he is liable to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- per month or part there off.
  2. If the conduct of any member violates any provision of the scheme and thus he tries to obtain any benefit under the scheme or if his/her conduct is prejudicial to the interest of the scheme or calculated to bring the scheme into disrepute the scheme may ask him/her to submit a written explanation within 30 days. If his explanation is not found satisfactory, the Managing Committee of the scheme shall terminate the membership of the member concerned subject to ratification by the State Working Committee of IMA Kerala State Branch.


Members Right:

  1. Fraternity benefit:

On the event of demise of a member, thefraternity benefit to be paid to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as per the then net membership. Net membership is calculated by subtracting total number of demises + total number of totally disabled members + total number of deletions + total number of honorary members from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death of the member and shall be returned to his/her nominee/nominees/legal heirs as the case may.


The fraternity benefit to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs of the demised member shall be calculated as follows:


If the deceased person has been member of the scheme for

Fraternity benefit to be received by the nominee/nominees/legal heir in Rs

More than 10 years

300 x net membership

More than 5 years but upto 5 years        

225 x net membership

Below 5 years   

150 x net membership


However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is due to natural calamities or Traffic Accidents irrespective of the age of the person the fraternity benefit to the nominee / nominees / legal heirs shall be calculated as 300 times the then net membership and will be paid only if the member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date in the scheme, and for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was 50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.


  1. Disability Benefit:

On the receipt of the information from a member or a responsible member of the family of a member that a member has become permanently physically disabled there by rendering him unfit to practice his profession, and incurring huge financial burden to the family, such a member can avail, financial help by opting out to be a totally disabled member.

The member will be considered totally disabled only after the disability in the member is certified by a medical board formed by the Managing Committee of the Scheme including concerned specialty. The benefit given to the member will be 30% of the fraternity benefit on the date of declaration of him being a totally disabled member. The balance 70% of the fraternity benefit should be deposited as fixed deposit to be reimbursed without interest to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs of the demised member at the time of death of that member. The dues to the scheme if any, shall be subtracted from the amount the member gets as benefit. The decision of declaring the member as totally disabled shall be at the discretion of the Managing Committee of the Scheme. Once a member is declared as totally disabled he will not have to make any further contribution to the scheme. The benefit to the totally disabled member shall be calculated as follows.


If the totally disabled person has been member of the scheme for

Fraternity benefit to be received by the member & nominee/ nominees/ legal heirs in Rs

More than 10 years

300 x net membership

More than 5 years but upto 10 years

225 x net membership

From end of lock in period but upto 5 years

150 x net membership


However if the totally disabled member is below 45 years of age the total fraternity benefit to the member and nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as 300 times the then net membership and will be paid only if the member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme. The fraternity claim of totally disabled members of 45 years of age and above will be as per the criteria following the death of non-disabled members.


A maximum of only 5 members can avail this benefit per year. Claims from more members in that particular year will be taken up the next year.


How to join the Scheme:

Application form can be obtained from our website or the branch Secretaries, District Representatives and the Honorary Secretary of the Scheme. The filled up application form with the stipulated amount, the document to prove the age and copy of IMA life membership certificate duly attested by the Branch President or Secretary can be submitted to the Branch Secretary or the Honorary Secretary of the scheme.

Payments to be made by DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Social Security Scheme II, IMA Kerala State Branch” and payable at Kollam.  Membership certificate will then be send to the new member.


As per the rules and byelaws of Social Security Scheme II if any member at any time for any reason ceases to be a member of IMA KSB, his membership of the scheme cease automatically.


No dues certificate from the branch secretary along with the payment is mandatory for yearly renewal of the scheme, irrespective of annual / life membership in IMA.


“For more details please visit:


Dr. Ramalingam A
Hon. Secretary, SSS 2,IMA KSB
Near Sumi Arcade
Pandalam ( P.O )
Pathanamthitta District 
Pin : 689501
Tel: 04734 292847 
Mob: 8547253349 

Health Scheme

To help our members to meet the needs of hospitalisation and investigations. Rules andregulations are coined to suit the needs of the members, and are amenable if need arises​

The upper limit of reimbursement is Rs.3 lakhs for treatment of all diseases per member per year. IMA KHS works on the principle of mutual benefit among our members and family. The Scheme is not an insurance firm but our services are more prompt and incomparable and theyearly payment is lowwhen compared to the insurance companies. All the major diseases are included in the scheme and the scrutinisingcommittee and managing committee have the power to include more, as the need arises, from time to time.

IMA member, their spouse, parents and children can join the scheme provided they are below 65 yearsof age. Advance Financial Assistance Contribution (AFAC) and Annual Subscription fees (AS) are to be paidevery year. Renewal Notice shall be sent in time every year. There will be no health screening for admission to the scheme.This is a tailor made scheme for IMA Members and their families.

Membership – Fee structure


Admission Fee (AF)


Annual Membership Subscription (AMS)


Advance Financial Assistance Contribution (AFAC)



For New Enrollment


Yearly Renewal


Less than 25




































Social Security Scheme-III

To provide financial assistance to the family of a medical practitioner in the event of his death

Third Phase of SS Scheme


Social Security Scheme III (SSS III) of IMA Kerala State Branch is established to achieve the objects mentioned in clause 4 (II) of the memorandum of IMA Kerala State Branch.  It becomes a third phase of the SS Scheme of IMA Kerala State Branch with the special stipulations as given below.  The scheme is operative with effect from December 2010.

Aims & Objectives of the Scheme III

  1. To provide financial assistance to the family of a medical practitioner in the event of his death.
  2. To provide financial assistance to the member who has become permanently disabled thereby rendering him unfit to practice his profession during his life time (VIII-2)
  3. To run educational institutions, nursing homes, old age homes and palliative care clinics solely for philanthropic objectives without any profit motive.
  4. To support the activities of IMA Kerala State Branch.
  5. To support pension schemes.

Eligibility for membership

Any life members of the Kerala State Branch of IMA below age of 65 years on the day of joining are eligible to become a member of SSS III (this has come into force from 01.01.2019)

Note:I.    Members who have applied for life membership in IMA KSB can join the SSS III with condition that their membership will be confirmed only after submitting proof of IMA life membership.

Note:II.    (i)   Membership comes in to effect only when the IMA Kerala State Social Security Scheme III policy document signed by the chairman and the Hon. Secretary of the scheme is issued to the member.

               (ii) The members who join the scheme III before 31.12.2011 are designated as ‘FOUNDER MEMBERS’ OF the scheme.

Note:III.   It has been decided to charge a fee of Rs.500/- for changing the nominee/Nominees and Rs.1000/- for issuing Duplicate Certificate apart from other existing formalities with effect from 01.04.2020.

Admission fees

            1.     Below45 years                         :    Rs. 5000/-

            2.     45 years but below 55 years     :     Rs.10000/-

            3.     55 years but below 65 years     :    Rs. 20000/-


Members Contribution

  1. Every member of the SSS III shall pay Rs.1000/-(Rupees one thousand only) every year as annual subscription fee for a period of 25 years.  Out of this amount Rs.200/- shall be paid to support the activities of IMA KSB for a period of 25 years.
  2. Every member of the SSS III shall pay fraternity contribution to the death of a member on demand by Hon-Secretary of the scheme every year for a period of 25 years continuously as stated below.


            If the deceased person has been a                     Payment to be paid by each member

                  member of the scheme for

         More than 10 years                                                                 Rs.500/-

         More than 5 years but upto10 years                                           Rs.375/-

         Up to 5 years                                                                         Rs.250/-


However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is due to natural calamities or traffic accidents irrespective of the age of the person every member shall pay Rs.500/- for that death provided the deceased member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date in the scheme, and for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was 50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.

After 25 years the member need not make any payment to the scheme but remains as an honorary member enjoying all the benefits of a member.  For calculating 25 years, date of enrollment into the scheme shall be considered.

VII. Member’s Disqualification

  1. Every member of Scheme III shall pay his/her annual membership fee and the fraternity contribution of the first half year by June 30th and that of the second half year by December 31st  of every year. The notice for the half-yearly subscription and fraternity contribution for deaths that have occurred from October 1st  to March 31st  of the current year shall be sent during the first fortnight of every April and the member has to pay the amount on or before June 30th .The notice for the half yearly subscription and fraternity contribution for deaths that have occurred from April 1st  of the previous year to September 30th  of the previous year shall be sent during the first fortnight of every October and the member has to pay the amount on or before December 31st . Defaulters should be kept under suspension on December 31st  of the same year in the first half-year and June 30th  of the subsequent year in the second half-year. 
  2. If the default continues beyond the period of 90 days, then a notice by registered post at the member’s cost shall be issued to such a member and if the member does not pay the demanded sum within 90 days of the receipt of the notice, then the membership shall stand suspended forth with for 3 months.  Such suspended member can reactivate his membership by payment of the arrears during the period of suspension.  At this period, the suspended membership should not be considered for distribution of fraternity contribution for other active memberships.  Final intimation to be sent 1 month prior to expiry of suspension period.  Such suspended memberships may be deleted 1 month after the final notice.
  3. If a member supplies any wrongful information in his/her application form or at any time during his/her membership term by which he/she violates any provision of the scheme, and thus he/she tries to obtain any benefit under the scheme, then after giving him/her an opportunity of being heard before the Managing Committee, if his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the Managing Committee of the scheme shall terminate the membership of the member concerned subject to ratification by the state working committee of IMA Kerala State Branch.
  4. If any member, at any time, for any reason ceases to be a member of Kerala State Branch of IMA his/her membership of the scheme III shall cease automatically but if such a member revives his/her membership of Kerala State Branch of IMA within a period of 6 months, he/she can get his/her membership revived on payment of extra fine of Rs.500/- and arrears on demand if any.  If he/she does not get his/her membership revived within the stipulated period, then the membership shall stand terminated forth with.

VIII. Member’s Rights

  1. On the event of death of a member, the fraternity benefit to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as per the then net membership. Net membership is calculated by subtracting total number of demised members + total number of deleted members + total number of totally disabled members + total number of honorary members + total number of members waiting for approval + total number of suspended members, from the total enrollment number on the previous day of death of the member and shall be returned to his/her nominee/nominees/legal heirs as the case may be.  On the event of death of a suspended member, the fraternity benefit to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as per the suspended day’s net membership.  Net membership is calculated by subtracting total number of demised members + total number of deleted members + total number of totally disabled members + total number of honorary members + total number of suspended members + total number of members waiting for approval, from the total enrollment number on the previous day of membership suspension and shall be returned to his/her nominee/nominees/legal heirs as the case may be, after subtracting the pending arrears member had in the scheme.

The fraternity benefit to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs of the demised member shall be calculated as follows:    

       If the deceased person has been                             Fraternity benefit to be received by

            member of the scheme for                               the nominee/nominees/legal heir in Rs.

              More than 10 years                                       500 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.45 lakhs

              More than 5 years but up to 10 years                 375 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.33.75 lakhs

              From end of lock in period but up to 5 years       250 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.22.5 lakhs


However if the deceased member is below 45 years of age or if the death is due to natural calamities or traffic accidents irrespective of the age of the person the fraternity benefit to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as 500 times the then net membership and will be paid only if the member has been a member of the scheme for  at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date in the scheme, and for at least  two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was  50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.

  1. On the receipt of the information from a member or a responsible member of the family of a member forwarded through the IMA local branch that a member has become permanently physically disabled there by rendering him/her unfit to practice his/her profession, and incurring huge financial burden to the family, such a member can avail, financial help by opting out to be a totally disabled member.

The member will be considered totally disabled only after the disability in the member is certified by a medical board formed by the managing committee of the scheme including concerned specialty.  The benefit given to the member will be ½ of the fraternity benefit on the date of declaration of him/her being a totally disabled member.  The balance ½ of the fraternity benefit should be deposited as fixed deposit to be reimbursed without interest to the nominee/nominees/legal heirs of the demised member at the time of death of that member.  The dues to the scheme if any, shall be subtracted from the amount the member gets as benefit.  The decision of declaring the member as totally disabled shall be at the discretion of the Managing committee of the Scheme.  Once a member is declared as totally disabled he will not have to make any further contribution to the scheme.  The benefit to the totally disabled member shall be calculated as follows                     


      If the totally disabled person has been                    Fraternity benefit to be received by the   

               member of the scheme for                             nominee/nominees/legal heirs in Rs.     

            More than 10 years                                          500 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.45 lakhs

            More than 5 years but up to 10 years                    375 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.33.75 lakhs

            From end of lock in period but up to 5 years   250 x net membership to a maximum of Rs.22.5 lakhs


However if the totally disabled member is below 45 years of age the total fraternity benefit to the member and nominee/nominees/legal heirs shall be calculated as 500 times the then net membership and will be paid only if the member bas been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme.  The fraternity claim of totally disabled members of 45 years of age and above will be as per the criteria following the death of non-disabled members.

A maximum of only 5 members can avail this benefit per year.  Claims from more members in that particular year will be taken up the next year.

3.   The amount to be paid under clause (1) & (2) above shall be paid as DD/Cheque payable at the place of the nominee / nominees or legal heirs within one month of the receipt of the information of the physical disability or death as the case may be subject to satisfying all conditions prescribed by the Managing Committee and on surrender of the policy document.

4.   In the event of loss or non – surrender of the Social Security Scheme III policy document, the Managing Committee will take the final decision on the disposal of claim.

5.    On the event of the demise of a member, the fraternity benefit will be paid to the nominee / nominees / legal heirs only if the member has been a member of the scheme for at least one year from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was below 50 years on the joined date in the scheme, and the fraternity benefit will be paid to the nominee / nominees / legal heirs only if the member has been a member of the scheme for at least two years from the date of joining the scheme, if the member was 50 years & above on the joined date in the scheme.

      (This will come in force from 01.01.2019)

6.   Admission fees or Renewal amounts paid by the member is not refundable if the member discontinue the scheme membership by him/her self or if his/her IMA life membership is cancelled due to any causes.

7.    If a member wish to discontinue his / her scheme membership; the member is liable to pay all the dues or arrears in the scheme till then.  Otherwise he / she will not be able to rejoin in this scheme as a new member in future.  If a member discontinued or deleted from the scheme; that membership is not able to revive in future even if he/she paid the dues or arrears till then.

      (This will come in force from 01.01.2019)

8.   Only single membership is allowed for all members, the member and his / her nominee can enjoy the facilities of single membership only.  The scheme or office bearers are not responsible for multiple memberships of any member in the scheme.   Scheme is not liable to reimburse the amount paid by the member for more than one membership.


Social Security Scheme III


IMA Periyar House, 3rd Floor, Door No.15/168 B8

East Desom, Aluva, Ernakulam-683102

Contact : 7511175050, 7034445788 (Office)

9447587644 (Personal)

Email :

National Family Welfare

A Scheme Exclusively For The Members’ Family After Death & For The Disabled & End Stage Diseased Who Are Unfit To Practice


1.To provide financial assistance to the family of medical practitioner in the event of
his death.
2. To assist financially any family/nominee of the bereaved family due to demise of the
3. To promote the welfare of the unfortunate families of the members who have either
died or are in the end stage disease.
4. To provide financial assistance to the member who has become permanently disabled
there by rendering him unfit to practice his profession during his life time.
Admission Fee
a. Any eligible life member of IMA willing to become a member of the scheme can do
so on payment of Admission fees as stated below.
i) Admission Fee
1. Members Below 30 years: 3000.00
2. 31 years to 40 years 5000.00
3. 41 years to 50 years 7000.00
4. 51 years to 60 years 10000.00
5. 61 years to 65 years 20000.00
ii) Joining Fee Rs.500
Total Admission fee i + ii
b. A member who wants to join the scheme shall pay the amount as account payee
cheque. Online payment or D/D in favour of the scheme payable to – “IMA Family
Welfare Scheme”.

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IMA Desinagand Branch
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